Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Three Days On The Bounce

I was feeling good when I woke up on Sunday morning and decided to go out for a few hours on the bike. I think I need to get as much 'saddle time' as I can. I ended up going out to Bogside which was further than I planned and it was a good workout. Halfway there, in the middle of nowhere, I did contemplate how snookered I would be if I got a puncture and then resolved to get the spares needed before I go out again on my jack jones.

Over the weekend I got more kit including my new walking boots. I christened them last night by joining Scott and Alan for the first time on their Monday walk (6.33 miles for anyone who is interested). I was wearing my 1000 mile socks and whilst they helped me break in the shoes, they look wrecked. I have no idea how they will last the remaining 993.67 miles. Methinks I have been conned. To the makers of said socks, expect an unwashed pair to be winging their way to you soon for my refund.

Well done to Jake and Paul whose training exploits were featured in the Daily Record today. The full story can be found here

I am hoping the Record reporter was trying to spice up the piece, when she said "they will cycle across treacherous forest track for 30 miles". That's not what they told us at the information night! I am hoping that 0 was added by mistake.

Cup Fever!

"I know, lets get the train to Lochgelly and then walk home" Now there's a statement I never thought I would ever write, let alone actually agree to, but thats what we did on Saturday. Not content with walking the shortest route home, we went via Dalgety Bay (yes, it is a bit out of the way). Do you like my new Saltire tammy?

Two minutes after leaving the station, we bumped into the ex Dunfermline and now Partick Thistle manager, Dick Campbell, still in his baffies, on his way to get the morning papers (for the benefit of my friend Rob, baffies are slippers). Thistle were playing Dunfermline in the cup that afternoon so we had a bit of a chat with Dick about Thistle's chances (unlucky Dick, Pars won 2-0). He congratulated us on signing up for the Bike and Hike and said he admired us for what we were doing. I think Thistle have supported the Glasgow centre previously and Dick has done a fair bit for cancer charities in the past. I've met him a few times at sports dinners and fans' forums and he's always got time for anyone who wants to talk fitba - a top bloke.

Mossmorran aside, our walk took in some cracking scenery and views, which took my mind off the sore feet. Stuart and I did 13 1/2 miles, Scott and Alan, 16 odd. It felt a lot longer mind you, but felt quite good at the end. I got a bit of stick from the team for succumbing to temptation and getting a roll on sausage from Stephen's in Cowdenbeath High Street. Delicious. I do not feel guilty - I calculated that I burnt 1362 calories on the walk....I should have got two rolls.

Where is Stuart in this week's photos I hear you cry? Do you remember the entry from a few weeks ago, when none of my team would pose for a photo on the 'paint bike'? What a difference a few weeks make........................

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Bike and Hike Blogosphere

Dee at Maggie's has created an online forum for all bike and hikers to share their training and fundraising tips - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/maggies_monsters

Through the forum, I discovered Jake n Paul's Bike and Hike blog - (see our links section). Jake has kindly returned the favour and added our blog to their links section. In doing so, we have done our bit for the Bike and Hike Blogosphere!

What's a blogosphere I hear you say (assuming anybody is actually reading this blog). Well, according to Wikipedia its this...Blogosphere is the collective term encompassing all blogs as a community or social network. Many weblogs are densely interconnected; bloggers read others' blogs, link to them, reference them in their own writing, and post comments on each others' blogs. Because of this, the interconnected blogs have grown their own culture.

If anyone wants to join help develop our 'sphere, please post your links.

Kirkcaldy Maggie's Centre

2007 has been a pretty busy year so far. That is my very poor excuse for not adding a post about our visit to the new Maggie's Centre in the grounds of the Victoria hospital in Kirkcaldy a few weeks ago. Maggie's held a series of information evenings at its centres for those interested in signing up or for those who had already taken the plunge.

I have mixed memories of the Victoria. I had my adenoids out when I was wee and lost my first tooth when in residence at the Vic (amazingly the tooth fairly was able to retrieve my tooth from the drain pipe and leave 50p under my pillow - thanks nurse!).

But the Vic was where my dad was admitted to during his illness after he caught a blood infection and was in there for about a week. We joked that he was nearly on the penthouse floor (the hospital is a high-rise and my dad was up near the top with cracking views across Kirkcaldy and beyond). I was always able to laugh and crack a few jokes when I was visiting but it was a different story when walking back to the car park. Dad would wave to us from the window, probably making sure we were ok. You would put a brave face on and wave back enthusiastically, but it was breaking your heart inside. Saying that, I know it would have been far worse for my dad. When we visited the centre for the info night, I looked up and saw an empty window, though in my mind, I was sure he was waving back at me...

The Kirkcaldy centre is an amazing looking building. It was designed by Zaha Hadid and despite being based in London, the centre is her first building in the UK. For more info Google, Zaha Hadid and Maggie's - there are lots of good stories which chart the buildings development from conception to construction.

A big thank you to Elizabeth Adams, the centre's community fundraiser, for giving us a tour of the centre and to Murray Easton for answering all our questions - filling us with equal doses of dread and eager anticipation! The appearance of the building, inside and out, bares little resemblance to the Edinburgh centre I have visited several times, but both are inspirational places and you feel a million miles away from the hospital environment. Its great that the people of Fife now have such a facility on their doorstep.

The getting fit part of the Bike and Hike and the physical challenge are both really good incentives but helping to raise money to fund the centres' activities and to help build new ones are even more of a motivation.

Pic courtesy of the Daily Telegraph

Sunday, February 18, 2007

First Milestone Achieved

We cycled 30 miles yesterday. I always find the first two miles of our regular route a real struggle and feel unbelievably unfit. After the legs get warmed up though, I seem to get a 2nd wind and feel good for the rest of the trip. We went out as far as Clackmannan, which for those not familiar with the local geography, is 17.5km from the start for the cycle path in Dunfermline.

Stuart was the pace setter for much of the outbound trip, with the rest of us quite happy to be part of the 'peloton'. We all have a go at attacking the pack and trying to carve out a bit of a lead (it is clearly a bloke thing!), and then watch as the rest of the group reign us back in. Good for the fitness levels and a bit of a laugh too. I have to say that my time out in front is relatively short lived and I am getting quite familiar with performing the 'anchor role' (fancy term for last!)

This was the first time any of us had travelled the full distance of the cycle path. For any Bike and Hikers living in Dunfermline, this is a great wee facility for the training, as long as its not too windy. Tarmac all the way, really peaceful and there are some great views along the way. If you have a cold or a bunged up nose, the smell of the great outdoors - and the cattle barn just past bogside - will clear it in no time.

The team all felt good at the end of the trip and this bodes well for the future. Honestly though, I have to say that I dont think I could have walked 43 miles after get off the bike yesterday. However, that's what the next few months is for - something to build on.

Just to prove the theory that no one looks good in a cycle helmet, here are a few photies from yesterday....

The Mini Bike and Hike

I didnt manage to post anything last week about our first mini bike and hike. We wanted to see what it would be like to cycle for a good distance and then set off on a walk. We did about 15 miles on the bike and then for various reasons, we did between 8-12 miles walking. Its not close to the real thing, but it was definitely a good shift.

This week I have contracted a fairly unpleasant ailment - a rash which looks like nettle stings and likes to flare up in the afternoon, annoy me all night and then go away in the morning. Feel free to post your jokes, I have heard most of them but let's hear them. I felt like Bruce Banner aka The Incredible Hulk, no quite sure when I am going to go all blotchy, but knowing it was going to happen at some point. The expert opinion of the medical profession told me it could be either an allergy or a virus. I felt very reassured by this pinpoint diagnosis - the medical equivalent of mibbaes aye, mibbaes naw. Maybe I am allergy to exercise! Anti-hayfever tablets have been the order of the day and so far, so good.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

25360 Steps!

Scott's Prediction: under 4 hours

Actual Time Taken: 3hrs 59mins - Come On!

14 odd miles, 25360 steps (Scott has a wee pedometer) later and its another decent training outing from the boys. As I write this, I have wee twinge in my right thigh but thats about it. Had a few wee aches and pains at various points during the morning but feeling no bad considering. Might be a different story when I wake up tomorrow mind you.
My wife and mother have both told me today that they notice a difference in me - which rougly translated means that I might have lost one of the chins, but there is still a few hanging about!

Next week we are aiming for doing our first mini bike and hike, with a bit of both included in the training run. The last two sessions have been pretty decent distances but we have yet to see what it feel like getting off the bike and then getting the hiking boots on. Time will tell.

I got our first squad photo taken today. I was trying to persuade one of them to lie on the deck and pretend to ride this wee bike, but they were having none of it. They said they would look like choppers....I am saying nothing :-D

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Raising The Bar

Scott has found a nifty wee website www.mapmyrun.com which lets you plan your own routes for running - or walks and cycles in our case.

Our last walk, a few weeks ago was just under 11 miles. This week, Scott wants to raise the bar - up to 15 miles.

Here is the itinerary for Saturday morning....

Leaving at 8am sharp (maybe!) UPDATE: nearer 8:30am, YAWN!

Up into Kingseat and along the Cuddyhouse Road towards Cowdenbeath.

Into Cowden, down through Hill of Beath and through Crossgates.

Along the road to Fordell and then back into Dunfermline and a wee route that will add another 4 1/2 miles more on to the journey.

Distance: 14.79 miles - it sounds about 30 Sink, I am sure you are having us on.

Scott's prediction - under 4 hours.
Steven's prediction - sair legs.

Give Out, But Dont Give Up!

Our Saturday morning training sessions are becoming memorable, not just for the training but for what happens before we go out. Last week it was the cat being sick, this week it is a sleepless night in the Birrell household as wee Robyn has chickenpox. As I write this, she is well on the mend and has been a brave wee soul.

Saturday we were out on the bikes and my shiny new chariot got its first run out. I must admit after a couple of miles I was all for calling it a day and letting Scott and Alan crack on. I was way off the pace and even though it got better after tinkering with the bike, I was all for giving up.

But fair play to my team mates who gave me a fair bit of encouragement to keep going and I actually started to feel better the longer we went on. I might not be fit, but I aint going to quit.

Pleased to report that we managed a pretty impressive 22 1/2 miles . My legs felt like they were going to explode on Saturday night mind you, but amazingly I was feeling pretty good on Sunday morning....but not good enough to go out training :-)