Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Happy Birthday Beanscene

The Beanscene in Haymarket celebrates its first birthday on Saturday. I love Beanscene. When I lived in Stirling there was one across the road from my flat. When I was at the Scotsman, there was one across the road from the office and the one in Haymarket is just along from my work, providing an 'oasis of calm'. Sitting listening to good choons, drinking nice coffee, watching Sky News (volume down with subtitles). Thats about as close to multi tasking as I am ever going to get!

Anyway, what this got to do with anything? Well to mark their first anniversary, they are having a day of fun stuff with all proceeds going to Maggie's. So if you are out and about near Haymarket on Saturday pop in and treat yourself to a coffee and a cake.

Long live the Beanscene.

1 comment:

jake said...

mucked up your link steven.. try http://www.beanscene.com/locations/edinburgh_haymarket,_grosvenor_street.asp lol