Ok sports fans and fellow athletes, here we go. I have just read the final chapter of Jake and Paul's blog and felt compelled to catch up. If you havent read it, head over here. I guarantee you that many of the participants in this year's event will read it and find many of their experiences very familiar.
The alarm clocks on 5 separate mobiles woke us at 5am. I have never seen Scott get ready so quick in all his life. Our digs were a stones throw from the assembly point (fluke!) and we got down there in plenty of time. We had been fairly thorough in our preparations and bought/borrowed most of what was recommended for kit...except midgy repellent. 6am - tons of the wee blighters.
We were up at the start for what seemed like ages, but was probably only 20mins. Our man Dave - (David Fox-Pitt) who is surely born for radio voiceovers, gave us the last rallying call and off we went.
We tried to keep together as a four but this soon proved difficult. You were too busy concentrated on avoiding the big potholes and allowing room for those wanting to overtake. Shouts of 'coming through on your left/right/through the middle' became common place. It seemed like everyone was flying past me in the early stages.
I vowed after the cycle stage that from now on, no member of Team TLDADs could ever utter the phrase 'there is a hill coming up' on the Dunfermline Cycle Path. Compared to the Maggie's course, Dunfermline is the Netherlands. We had cycled 30 miles loads of times but never a route this challenging. Why I was so surprised that there was so many hills in the Highlands is beyond me, but after a few steep ones, I got off and pushed the bike up the hill. I figured if I was going to be out here for a day, I might as well save my energy early doors.
Cycling uphill was a nightmare but coming down them was a sheer adrenalin rush. I completely forgot that my bike was in danger of falling to bits and roared down the hills with no fear. I was skidding round the corners like Jason Crump (Speedway World Champion) and having a great time.
The last couple of miles heading down the canal path felt great. The hill section before that was not so good as there was a lot of traffic, people getting off the bike without warning and a lot of people falling over. As I headed towards Fort Augustus I realised that my leg was getting sunburnt and so began my obsession to avoid further exposure and sunstroke. As me and Scott were heading towards the checkpoint we saw a jetty up ahead and thought how refreshing it would be to just cycle right off the end of it into the drink. Had we not had other plans - hiking for 43 miles - we might just have done it.
As I came into Fort Augustus, I thought about what lay ahead and whether or not my foot was going to hold up. I wondered at what stage the pain across the foot that had KO'd my final prep would kick in. I didnt have to wonder for long...
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Big Stuarty’s Experience
Arrived in Fort William on the Friday afternoon, after getting the bikes out to check we had few minor problems, I had a flat tyre renewing inner tube. Tommo from our support team promptly repaired it and was ready to go.
After the Pasta Party, the map for the challenge was on a board for all to see. It was then I realised that the route was not as flat as I had thought! A nice relaxing night in Fort William, after a not bad night’s sleep made our way to the start point 6:15am. Having said I had no nerves on Friday they certainly kicked in on the Sat am…made our way to Neptune Staircase and we were under starting orders.
We started dead on seven bells, the first 10 miles were relatively flat with plenty of potholes and being the gentleman of the road I let everyone pass me by. Plenty more hills up and down then arrived at the 2nd drink stop. Back on our merry way, it was then I discovered that the Great Glens were really hilly and bumpy. Up more steep hills when most participants had to get off the bikes and push, I was no exception. What goes up must come down and on coming down I hit a big boulder and somersaulted of the bike and landed in bushes. After getting some attention from the steward and a medic I dusted myself down to continue onto some flat terrain at Loch Oich with a relatively flat journey over to Fort Augustus.
After checking in I met up with my long lost team and after replenishing my fluids and food intake we left Fort Augustus. 5 mins into the walk another punishing hill!! I quickly realised that I would be holding my team mates back. After reaching the top of the hill we had a bit of a debate about walking as a team, I suggested that they go on ahead as I was beginning to think I would hinder them which would definitely take its toll further ahead. The pace the rest of the lads were going at was definitely more quickly than I would ever be able to do and I was struggling with my breathing. I think in my heart I knew that I would probably only manage Bronze and if the team kept up at my speed this would almost definitely impact upon their finishing times as they were striving for Gold.
When they finally agreed to go on without me it was like the ‘monkey was off my back’ so I took stock of the situation and carried on at my own pace and took in some of the breathtaking scenery. This was the life. I was appreciating these amazing sights on my doorstep. I had previously gave Laura & Melissa (my wife and daughter) a call on the mobile as they were travelling up to meet us. When I had spilt from the team, I got a bit emotional as it then struck home that I was only going to manage my best (Bronze). I had plenty thinking time remembering my best friend I had lost to cancer, this was what this was all about...
I put on my ipod and listened to some prepared music. I was listening to Charlotte Church, the Voice of an Angel. I text Laura saying I was walking with Charlotte in the woods”. We had a laugh later as my wife had casually said to her fellow travellers “Aw Stuart must have met a walker called Charlotte to keep him company!!” My daughter was quick to set the record straight “No mum it will be Charlotte Church on his ipod!!”
After walking for several hours I heard the band which sounded close by but turned out to be about 4 mile away. I finally reached Invermoriston and the first two people I saw was Tommo and Mo, our support team. I went into the check point to inform them I was retiring.
The entire experience for me was the biggest challenge of my life and also one of the best. The organisation from The Maggie’s Centre you could not fault. The support and generosity from my family, Laura, Andrew, Stuart & Melissa and friends has been amazing. A big Thank You to Tommo & Mo, they were absolutely superb. My Bronze medal now takes pride of place.
I would like to add that I take my hat off to me fellow team members, Steven, Alan & Scott. They were tremendous and showed true team spirit and determination and were rewarded with their Gold finish.
Finally there are rumours flying about that I am signing up for ‘The Great Wall of China’!!! The nearest I will get to that is the Chinese Restaurant in Lothian Road, Edinburgh… Dunfermline to Edinburgh – 18 miles…a dawdle!!!
After the Pasta Party, the map for the challenge was on a board for all to see. It was then I realised that the route was not as flat as I had thought! A nice relaxing night in Fort William, after a not bad night’s sleep made our way to the start point 6:15am. Having said I had no nerves on Friday they certainly kicked in on the Sat am…made our way to Neptune Staircase and we were under starting orders.
We started dead on seven bells, the first 10 miles were relatively flat with plenty of potholes and being the gentleman of the road I let everyone pass me by. Plenty more hills up and down then arrived at the 2nd drink stop. Back on our merry way, it was then I discovered that the Great Glens were really hilly and bumpy. Up more steep hills when most participants had to get off the bikes and push, I was no exception. What goes up must come down and on coming down I hit a big boulder and somersaulted of the bike and landed in bushes. After getting some attention from the steward and a medic I dusted myself down to continue onto some flat terrain at Loch Oich with a relatively flat journey over to Fort Augustus.
After checking in I met up with my long lost team and after replenishing my fluids and food intake we left Fort Augustus. 5 mins into the walk another punishing hill!! I quickly realised that I would be holding my team mates back. After reaching the top of the hill we had a bit of a debate about walking as a team, I suggested that they go on ahead as I was beginning to think I would hinder them which would definitely take its toll further ahead. The pace the rest of the lads were going at was definitely more quickly than I would ever be able to do and I was struggling with my breathing. I think in my heart I knew that I would probably only manage Bronze and if the team kept up at my speed this would almost definitely impact upon their finishing times as they were striving for Gold.
When they finally agreed to go on without me it was like the ‘monkey was off my back’ so I took stock of the situation and carried on at my own pace and took in some of the breathtaking scenery. This was the life. I was appreciating these amazing sights on my doorstep. I had previously gave Laura & Melissa (my wife and daughter) a call on the mobile as they were travelling up to meet us. When I had spilt from the team, I got a bit emotional as it then struck home that I was only going to manage my best (Bronze). I had plenty thinking time remembering my best friend I had lost to cancer, this was what this was all about...
I put on my ipod and listened to some prepared music. I was listening to Charlotte Church, the Voice of an Angel. I text Laura saying I was walking with Charlotte in the woods”. We had a laugh later as my wife had casually said to her fellow travellers “Aw Stuart must have met a walker called Charlotte to keep him company!!” My daughter was quick to set the record straight “No mum it will be Charlotte Church on his ipod!!”
After walking for several hours I heard the band which sounded close by but turned out to be about 4 mile away. I finally reached Invermoriston and the first two people I saw was Tommo and Mo, our support team. I went into the check point to inform them I was retiring.
The entire experience for me was the biggest challenge of my life and also one of the best. The organisation from The Maggie’s Centre you could not fault. The support and generosity from my family, Laura, Andrew, Stuart & Melissa and friends has been amazing. A big Thank You to Tommo & Mo, they were absolutely superb. My Bronze medal now takes pride of place.
I would like to add that I take my hat off to me fellow team members, Steven, Alan & Scott. They were tremendous and showed true team spirit and determination and were rewarded with their Gold finish.
Finally there are rumours flying about that I am signing up for ‘The Great Wall of China’!!! The nearest I will get to that is the Chinese Restaurant in Lothian Road, Edinburgh… Dunfermline to Edinburgh – 18 miles…a dawdle!!!
Lazy Blogger
I know it has been a while between posts but the quiet time I thought I would get since the Monster hasnt materialised. A busy wee bee at the moment and seeing a fair bit of Edinburgh Airport - Friday-Sun - Northern Ireland, Monday - London, tomorrow and Wednesday Brussels (C'mon the Jupiler lager and Godiva chocolates!). Looking forward to bank holiday weekend to complete the blog adventure. I'd better hurry up, my memory aint what it used to be.
Away to the docs tomorrow to see about my knee. I was running for the train a week or so ago and it just gave out from underneath me. Going upstairs is a right sair one and my first thoughts that it would work itself out have not proved to be the case. Those walking poles might be come in handy far sooner than first thought.
In the meantime, I will post Stuart's Monster experience in its entirety. Its a great read....
Away to the docs tomorrow to see about my knee. I was running for the train a week or so ago and it just gave out from underneath me. Going upstairs is a right sair one and my first thoughts that it would work itself out have not proved to be the case. Those walking poles might be come in handy far sooner than first thought.
In the meantime, I will post Stuart's Monster experience in its entirety. Its a great read....
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Is That Nut Important Lads? Lads? Lads!!!
We headed up to Fort William on Friday afternoon. Team TLDADS travelled in style in one of Stuart's mini-vans and we all lay back watching comedy DVDs and admiring the cracking scenery on the way up. Mark and Lindsay followed behind us with the support vehicle and the bikes. We made good time - thanks to Charlie's driving but I was nearly spewing as he hurtled round the bends.
Arriving at our digs in Benavie, we unpacked and Mark started giving the bikes a quick once over. Having a mechanic in your midst certainly helped. The hostel was literally 50 yards from the registration area at Neptune's Staircase once again confirming my status as 'king of the digs'. Having fixed Stuarts tyre, I suggested to Mark that my pedals were making a clunking sound (technical explanation: when I pedalled, the pedals went clunk). Mark had a look and asked Alan to turn the nut gently. The nut snapped clean off. Everybody went silent, including my trusty mechanic. The heart started going and after several attempts to get someone to speak (Alan was now a whiter shade of pale), Mark assured me that he thought it would hold together. Good enough for me says I and gave it a wee test run....the clunking had stopped. Spent the rest of the night winding up Alan and wondering if he had recently taken out a life insurance policy in my name.
We set off for the Pasta Party and got ourselves registered. I was asked by Murray from Maggie's to go on stage and do a little interview. The best thing about that was that it allowed me to pick out my fellow blogger Jake and I went across to see him when I was finished. Was great to finally meet him after reading all his posts - an absolute gent. A sound friendly guy as his blog suggests and he wished me well and hoped my foot would hold up (Spoiler for the rest of the blog: It did, thanks to a pair of well worn Nike Cortez trainers!).

After the safety briefing, we headed off back to the digs, got the bags packed ready for the cycle and went down the pub....to watch Mark and Lindsay sink the pints whilst we stuck to soft drinks. Probably just as well we were not drinking as Alan nearly collapsed when the barmaid told him how much the round was! Back to the digs for 11am, alarms set for 5am. Apparently it was a frogs chorus of snores all night but I must have been one of the frogs as I was out like a (headtorch) light.
Arriving at our digs in Benavie, we unpacked and Mark started giving the bikes a quick once over. Having a mechanic in your midst certainly helped. The hostel was literally 50 yards from the registration area at Neptune's Staircase once again confirming my status as 'king of the digs'. Having fixed Stuarts tyre, I suggested to Mark that my pedals were making a clunking sound (technical explanation: when I pedalled, the pedals went clunk). Mark had a look and asked Alan to turn the nut gently. The nut snapped clean off. Everybody went silent, including my trusty mechanic. The heart started going and after several attempts to get someone to speak (Alan was now a whiter shade of pale), Mark assured me that he thought it would hold together. Good enough for me says I and gave it a wee test run....the clunking had stopped. Spent the rest of the night winding up Alan and wondering if he had recently taken out a life insurance policy in my name.
We set off for the Pasta Party and got ourselves registered. I was asked by Murray from Maggie's to go on stage and do a little interview. The best thing about that was that it allowed me to pick out my fellow blogger Jake and I went across to see him when I was finished. Was great to finally meet him after reading all his posts - an absolute gent. A sound friendly guy as his blog suggests and he wished me well and hoped my foot would hold up (Spoiler for the rest of the blog: It did, thanks to a pair of well worn Nike Cortez trainers!).
After the safety briefing, we headed off back to the digs, got the bags packed ready for the cycle and went down the pub....to watch Mark and Lindsay sink the pints whilst we stuck to soft drinks. Probably just as well we were not drinking as Alan nearly collapsed when the barmaid told him how much the round was! Back to the digs for 11am, alarms set for 5am. Apparently it was a frogs chorus of snores all night but I must have been one of the frogs as I was out like a (headtorch) light.
Wrapping Up.
Having finally come down off the high that I have experienced all week since the event, its time to start wrapping up the blog. The rest of the lads are working on an account of their experiences - Stuarty has completed his already (are you listening you pair!) and I will try to work out how best to post these in their entirety.
As you can see from the bar on the right hand side, we have most of our photos from the event added to a flickr account. If you want to see the whole selection, click on the button. I didnt take any photos on the actual route. The scenery was stunning and there were some cracking photo opps but I was spending my energy on trying to complete the course. However thanks to TLDADS official paparrazzi Mo for his sterling work. I wasnt pleased at how many vaseline shots he tried to get though.
Before I go any further a MONSTER thanks to Mark and Lindsay (Mo) for being quite simply brilliant as our support team. We didnt want for anything along the route and they even stopped at Invermoriston to see if we needed anything. They seemed to know what we wanted before we even asked for it. Any man that handles my 1000 mile socks after one of the stages deserves a knighthood. Cheers lads, we are more than happy to be your support team next year!
Also, hello to the lovely woman from Aberdour who we got talking to during Silver stage and then saw later during the last leg to Inverness. Despite talking to her for a good wee while, we didnt catch her name. If you are reading, please let us know. When we told her where we came from she said 'are you the blog boys' - brilliant! - that will be us up to 3 readers now.
As you can see from the bar on the right hand side, we have most of our photos from the event added to a flickr account. If you want to see the whole selection, click on the button. I didnt take any photos on the actual route. The scenery was stunning and there were some cracking photo opps but I was spending my energy on trying to complete the course. However thanks to TLDADS official paparrazzi Mo for his sterling work. I wasnt pleased at how many vaseline shots he tried to get though.
Before I go any further a MONSTER thanks to Mark and Lindsay (Mo) for being quite simply brilliant as our support team. We didnt want for anything along the route and they even stopped at Invermoriston to see if we needed anything. They seemed to know what we wanted before we even asked for it. Any man that handles my 1000 mile socks after one of the stages deserves a knighthood. Cheers lads, we are more than happy to be your support team next year!
Also, hello to the lovely woman from Aberdour who we got talking to during Silver stage and then saw later during the last leg to Inverness. Despite talking to her for a good wee while, we didnt catch her name. If you are reading, please let us know. When we told her where we came from she said 'are you the blog boys' - brilliant! - that will be us up to 3 readers now.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Full Report To Follow
A comprehensive roundup of our Bike and Hike Experience will be posted over the next few days. All of Team TLDADS are going to be working on something and I will post it up as soon as I can. For now, I will say that the Monster was a thoroughly rewarding experience, one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my life. But done with the invaluable help and support of a lot of other people. There is plenty of time to think during the event and one point that was continually reinforced throughout the walk was that I am fortunate to have a great support network of family and friends.
Stick around for our story, if you have enjoyed the blog up until now, you will like whats to come. If you are desperate for some post event reaction, get yourself over to Jake and Paul's blog for some excellent coverage.
Stick around for our story, if you have enjoyed the blog up until now, you will like whats to come. If you are desperate for some post event reaction, get yourself over to Jake and Paul's blog for some excellent coverage.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Final Preparations
Yep, I have been trying to get all my kit together tonight and make sure I am well prepared for Saturday. The bike is clean and the MP3 player has been updated. No, I still dont have all my clothes bought and I need to find a cheap rucksack tomorrow but apart from that I am sorted. Off to ASDA tomorrow for the Red Bull and Pro Plus - just like being a student again.

We are all meeting tomorrow night to get the bikes loaded up and make sure we have remembered everything. Helmet, boots, radio for the football, that sort of thing.
This is the final blog post before we head off on Friday afternoon. To all our readers, thanks to you both :-) Looking forward to meeting my fellow Blogger Jake from the Kings of Leon and everyone else taking part. Will see you here bright and early on Saturday morning...

We have received lots of helpful advice and tips from those who have been over the course before and who walk and cycle a lot. Its all been appreciated. However, I do like the advice that Maggie's provide for participants and I think its a mantra I will repeat more than once....

Thank You's
It's a bit like the Oscars really. You have a list of people t-h-i-s l-o-n-g that you want to thank but know that however hard you try, you will doubtless forget someone. That is why on behalf of all The TLDADS, I want to thank everyone who has supported our forthcoming attempt at the Monster. From attending/sponsoring the racenight, to sponsoring us, to providing us with supplies, to sending us your best wishes and encouragement, to reading this blog. THANKS.
The generosity of everyone has been amazing and we all truly appreciate it. As you can see from our Justgiving total, we have now reached 101% of our target (and we still have money to add to it). We will be giving 101% effort in return on Saturday.
I wanted to say a big thanks to everyone at Alex Quinn & Partners, the law accountants based in Edinburgh. They have donated their month's proceeds from their dress down days to our Bike and Hike attempt. I wonder if they all know that their colleague Stephen Johnston is a predatory assassin in front of goal (unless he is up against the Cat of course) and one of the Tuesday Night Legends at Sighthill. If he was Lithuanian, he would have surely got a call up from Uncle Vladimir.
A big thanks too, to Jacko's Ices (Dunfermline's Number 1 Ice Cream Van) for providing us with energy drinks. Also to our friend Robert Bruce for providing us with chocolate and water. Whether or not our support team actually leave any of this for us at the checkpoints, we shall wait and see.
The generosity of everyone has been amazing and we all truly appreciate it. As you can see from our Justgiving total, we have now reached 101% of our target (and we still have money to add to it). We will be giving 101% effort in return on Saturday.
I wanted to say a big thanks to everyone at Alex Quinn & Partners, the law accountants based in Edinburgh. They have donated their month's proceeds from their dress down days to our Bike and Hike attempt. I wonder if they all know that their colleague Stephen Johnston is a predatory assassin in front of goal (unless he is up against the Cat of course) and one of the Tuesday Night Legends at Sighthill. If he was Lithuanian, he would have surely got a call up from Uncle Vladimir.
A big thanks too, to Jacko's Ices (Dunfermline's Number 1 Ice Cream Van) for providing us with energy drinks. Also to our friend Robert Bruce for providing us with chocolate and water. Whether or not our support team actually leave any of this for us at the checkpoints, we shall wait and see.
Hurry Up Saturday!!!
Not only is it a big week for Scotland - there is an election tomorrow apparently - it is a big week for all the Monster participants and their support teams. With a few days to go, I am sure most of those taking part, especially those doing it for the first time, are thinking about it more and more. Nerves, excitement, panic (and worry about this foot of mine) are all coming round in equal doses. Like a wee boy at Christmas, I am just counting the days and willing Saturday to come.
I am sure it will be a pretty emotional day for a lot of people and our team will be no different. The event is a physical challenge and that is a big motivation but we are all motivated by other factors. For me, it is a simple way of saying thank you to the Maggie's Centre for their support and kindness at a time when my life was turned upside down. It is also something I want to do in memory of my dad and other members of my family who have we have lost to cancer.
I heard a story about one participant who battled against cancer and was given the all clear only to be told that recently that it had returned. I am not capable of putting into words the courage and strength of character that this person is showing by insisting on taking part on Saturday and refusing to let their illness stop them. If my foot starts hurting, I think I have found my source of inspiration to allow me to carry on.
I am sure it will be a pretty emotional day for a lot of people and our team will be no different. The event is a physical challenge and that is a big motivation but we are all motivated by other factors. For me, it is a simple way of saying thank you to the Maggie's Centre for their support and kindness at a time when my life was turned upside down. It is also something I want to do in memory of my dad and other members of my family who have we have lost to cancer.
I heard a story about one participant who battled against cancer and was given the all clear only to be told that recently that it had returned. I am not capable of putting into words the courage and strength of character that this person is showing by insisting on taking part on Saturday and refusing to let their illness stop them. If my foot starts hurting, I think I have found my source of inspiration to allow me to carry on.
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