Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Falling Off The Wagon

You're four times more likely to have an accident when you're on a mobile phone. So says the radio advert anyway. Last week, new legislation was introduced which meant drivers would be fined £60 and have 3 points added to their licence if they were caught using a mobile phone. Apparently, this legislation does not apply to cyclists, although they can be charged with careless cycling.

Just as well we train off the beaten track (or the bobby's beat) or one of our lot might have ended up with the aforementioned charge this weekend. To protect the guilty, I will not name the team member who tried to answer his phone whilst peddling along the cycle track, had a rummage in his pockets, lost his balance, came off the track and then off the bike. The Nokia was bruised but otherwise unhurt, police are appealing for witnesses (who wont laugh when telling the story!).
Tip for the day....Get A Helmet. Better still, from now on......

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