Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fordell Firs

I had never walked through Fordell woods in my life and neither had Stuart before today. Scott's wife Laura joined us for a walk this morning and took us on the most picturesque route we have been on since the training started. It helped that the nice weather continued and your scribe even had the Factor 15 on his neck and his temples - since the hairline started to go north the temples have been particularly vulnerable!

Here's a picture of our band of merry men - and woman - trekking through the woods near Fordell Castle.

This time next week, Laura will have completed the London Marathon and Scott will be dutifully tending to her blisters. After our event, we all have a few days off before going back to work. Laura's reward for running the world's most famous roadrace? Back to work the next day with a class full of primary kids. Hope they dont have PE first thing on a Monday.
Our route took us down on to the coastal path at Dalgety Bay with some cracking views over the Forth and some equalling cracking looking houses. We have all picked out the ones which Stuart will be buying for us when his numbers come up - swimming pool for me please!

The 1000 mile socks have failed in their promise and I have had to deal with some big blisters over the weekend. I was thinking about sending the socks back - unwashed - demanding a refund, but still think they are better than a pair of white sports socks from kinross market. The employees of the 1000 mile sock company can breathe a collective sigh of relief.

I have a sprain like pain going across the middle of my right foot and had to call it a day today after 11 or 12 miles. Well done to Scott and Laura for going the full distance. Having a rest for a few days to give it a chance to get better. Will keep posting how the others are getting on. Note to Fife Council employees - we didnt pinch your 40mph sign found lying at the roadside.

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