I took Lee and Robyn back there today (in the car) to feed the swans. The place was hoaching with midges but we managed to steer clear of them.
Back to yesterday, the trip to Alloa was pretty quick and incident free. Apart from when we got chased by one of those huge dogs that are the size of ponies. I am still laughing at the line uttered by one of my colleagues '****** me, I hear paws!'
Scott had a bit of a 'mare with his bike yesterday, culminating in his chain snapping about a mile from home. It could have been worse, if it had snapped at Gartmoran, I think Scott would have thrown the bike in the drink!
Meanwhile, Alan had employed a new setup for yesterday's outing (it almost sounds professional dont ya think!). Me? I had plenty of Nobby's Nuts and Boost bars to keep me going and was having a ball until we came home when the wind was awful...Alan just couldn't help himself :-)
It didnt seem like there was any wind at all, but it felt like we were going backwards between Bogside and Oakley. Add to the fact that Scott's bike went from having 18 gears to one gear, and you can imagine it was fun and games for us yesterday.
I will leave you with a wee story from yesterday. Stopping for a breather just outside Blairhall, we meet a woman who tells us this is the first time she has been cycling for 3 years and this was her first time on the cycle path. The exchange went something like this.
Woman: 'I thought there would have been a few more rest stops along the way'
My colleague 'What, do you mean for horses?'
Woman: 'Naw, for me! I am knackered'
Despite being inadvertently referred to as a horse, our new friend didnt seem to take offence and set off for Blairhall where we told her there was a place she could stop...provided the horses hadn't got their first.
These photos were taken before Scott's chain snapped yesterday :-)
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