Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Mini Bike and Hike

I didnt manage to post anything last week about our first mini bike and hike. We wanted to see what it would be like to cycle for a good distance and then set off on a walk. We did about 15 miles on the bike and then for various reasons, we did between 8-12 miles walking. Its not close to the real thing, but it was definitely a good shift.

This week I have contracted a fairly unpleasant ailment - a rash which looks like nettle stings and likes to flare up in the afternoon, annoy me all night and then go away in the morning. Feel free to post your jokes, I have heard most of them but let's hear them. I felt like Bruce Banner aka The Incredible Hulk, no quite sure when I am going to go all blotchy, but knowing it was going to happen at some point. The expert opinion of the medical profession told me it could be either an allergy or a virus. I felt very reassured by this pinpoint diagnosis - the medical equivalent of mibbaes aye, mibbaes naw. Maybe I am allergy to exercise! Anti-hayfever tablets have been the order of the day and so far, so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.