Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Midweek Madness

We walked 10.3 miles in just over 2 1/2 hours last night. Not bad going, and not bad for a school night. Slept like a log last night and felt good this morning. We are aiming to do two sessions during the week of a similar distance and then a big session at the weekend. Basically, if we can find some spare time, we will be training. In a desperate bid to improve my fitness, I am getting a set of skipping ropes. I used to skip when I went to boxing many, many, moons ago but I imagine it will be quite a sight trying to recreate the old magic! I think attempts at crossovers will end up with a trip to A&E.

In the interests of entertainment, I might post a you tube clip of my best efforts - and those of my team mates if I can persuade them!

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