Sunday, April 22, 2007

Who Are You? David Bailey?

You've probably noticed that I like taking photos. My wee Sony Ericsson phone has taken over 2000 of them. A lot of the recent ones feature my fellow bike and hike comrades. When we were out cycling on Thursday I tried to get a few 'Action Shots' of Alan and Scott in full flight whilst still on my bike. I now have full respect for the cameramen who cover the Tour De France but to be fair, they aren't trying to ride the bike whilst holding the camera.

Having narrowly avoided crashing into Alan on more than one occasion, I was able to get a few pics...

Scott mapped out our cycle at just over 15 miles. Apart from it being a bit chilly, it was a great run and we were nearly tempted to go round again (I didnt fancy Waterloo Road on the telly). There is a new feature on Map My Run which charts the elevation of your route as well as the distance. As you can see, we were going 'Into the Valley!' C'mon the Pars for Tuesday night!

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